Prequel Trilogy Missions
Prequel Trilogy Missions
The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith!
Original Trilogy Missions
Original Trilogy Missions
A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi!
Sequel Trilogy Missions
Sequel Trilogy Missions
The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker!
Arkanis Sector
Arkanis Sector
Geonosis and Tatooine.
Rishi Maze
Rishi Maze
Also known as just Kamino.
The Slice
The Slice
Kashyyyk and Kijimi.
New Territories
New Territories
Cantonica, Yavin 4, and Ajan Kloss.
The Interior
The Interior
Coruscant, Jakku, and Takodana.
Unknown Regions
Unknown Regions
Ahch-To, Endor, Kef Bir, and Exegol.
Greater Javin
Greater Javin
Bespin, Crait, and Hoth.
Western Reaches
Western Reaches
Dagobah, Mustafar, and Utapau.
Trailing Sectors
Trailing Sectors
D'Qar, Naboo, and Pasaana.
Achievements / Trophies
Achievements / Trophies